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Registrations and Credentials

Sheppard T. Powell Associates, LLC (STPA) enjoys a referee status in the assessment and resolution of disputes involving end-users, equipment manufacturers, chemical vendors and architect/engineering firms – earned by strictly avoiding a conflict of interest. Our position of independence and objectivity in the provision of consulting and laboratory services in the areas of chemistry, cleaning, corrosion and water treatment is widely known and respected.

Professional Engineering Registrations

STPA is a registered engineering firm in the State of Maryland and the State of Texas. Our consulting team includes Professional Engineers (P.E.s) registered in Alabama, Maryland, Michigan, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas and Virginia.

Online Qualification Services

STPA is registered with the following supplier qualification and management resources to expedite the prequalification process and to satisfy the contractual needs of our clients.

  • Avetta
  • E-Verify
  • Power Advocate

Should you require STPA to register with and use a different service, please let us know and we will make an effort to accommodate your request.

Memberships Held by our Technical Team

STPA is a firm believer that it is important to support the activities of our scientific and technical societies for the advancement of research, understanding, and communication of important information and practices integral to the state of industry. STPA currently is active in the following organizations.

  • ASME – American Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • BLRBAC – Black Liquor Recovery Boiler Advisory Committee
  • NACE – National Association of Corrosion Engineers
  • TAPPI – Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry
  • PPEC – EPRI Power Plant and Environmental Chemistry

STPA also maintains membership in the following organizations, even though we do not participate directly in their activities.

  • ACS – American Chemical Society
  • AICHE – American Institute of Chemical Engineers
  • AWT – Association of Water Technologies
  • ASTM – American Society for Testing and Materials


The STPA safety program complies with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations for accident and illness reporting, confined space, fall protection, hazard identification, lockout tagout, personnel protection equipment and prohibited activities. One consultant has a degree in safety management and another is an OSHA-certified trainer who also has completed HAZWOPER training. STPA also has team members with certified training from the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) for working at MSHA facilities.